Open More Photos for listing #60284972 (unfortunately not all photos will have photo descriptions tied to them)Request information for listing #60284972View details for listing #60284972
Open More Photos for listing #60274141 (unfortunately not all photos will have photo descriptions tied to them)Request information for listing #60274141View details for listing #60274141
Ozarks Home Realty is located in Bolivar, Polk County Missouri and can help you with a wide selection of real estate in Bolivar and the surrounding areas. We are just a short 20 minute drive north of Springfield and offer easy access to both Lake Pomme de Terre and Stockton Lake. You can feel at ease knowing you are working with honest and experienced agents who know the area and the real estate.
Ozarks Home Realty is your perfect choice for any of your real estate needs. Whether buying of selling, our experienced staff of agents can help you with all types of transactions from residential, farm and land to business and commercial. We are local people who strive to make your real estate experience as smooth as possible!
We would love to share more information about our area with you. Please call us at 417-326-2411 or email us at
"Shirley did an amazing job selling a piece of property that had been in our family for a long time. We live out of town so the sale had to be remote. The property was joint owned in our family. It was not an easy process to coordinate. Shirley was the pinnacle of real estate agent. She made the process simple and easy for us. She responded to texts, calls, and email in a very timely manner. She made the small sale feel like a big one and treated us like we mattered. Shirley has a great personal presence and knowledge of the community. She is everything you would want in a realtor."